Gibbs and tony seizure fan fiction

Gibbs and tony seizure fan fiction. Story setting: D. Stay" Tony gave her an apologetic look as he rushed past and with that they were gone. Clarke wants to make sure you don't have another one. We have work to do anyway. " "I haven't been this early to bed since I was 9, "Tony protested. Hard. Then there was Ziva, determined to make Tony pay. Language: English Luckily, Gibbs could still hear Tony shouting at someone, ordering them to freeze. It's just me. " "I'm not…" "Tony. " Tony sighed. Gibbs was going through the worst-case scenarios in his head. " Tony didn't see Gibbs appear from behind, "Still here Gibbs managed to wrestle the knife away from Tony. One of the things 'revealed' in the first story was that Tony had written a number of resignation letters which had never been handed in. " Gibbs shook his head. The nurse had told him that Tony had left in an When she was very little, Tony and Ziva found out that Allie had Epilepsy, and because of this she had seizures regularly and had to be taken to hospital a lot. She told me about a new program she is helping to start here in DC it trains seizure dogs. Lawrence replied. Then looking over at Gibbs seeing the how cold his eyes were. Gibbs gave another sad smile. "You said that. Probably both. She hated being lied to. This had been a really bad seizure; he could see that Tony's lips were still blue. " "That's not true. "You didn't let them look at you, yesterday, did you?" Those are there to make sure you're okay," Gibbs answered giving Tony a reassuring smile, "You had a seizure and Dr. "Which is also the last time you actually made love to me. "No more arguing son, bed now. , Leroy Jethro Gibbs, Tony D. Once the ambulance pulled under the awning by the emergency room doors, another seizure overtook Tony's body. "If you mess this up, you're fired. Tony crossed the bullpen in three long strides, leaned down into Gibbs' whiskered face. " "Tony, my dear boy. “I’m fine, boss. - Chapters: 9 - Words: 8,027 - Reviews: 53 - Favs: 143 - Follows: 141 - Updated: 6/29/2011 - Published: 6/22/2010 - id: 6075911 Tony woke up pinned to the ground feeling rubble beneath him and something on top of him pinning him down. Pre-NCIS sequel to Biological Catalyst NCIS - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 12 - Words: 26,829 - Reviews: 487 - Favs: 314 - Follows: 494 - Updated: 5/24/2011 - Published: 12/3/2009 - Tony D. His wounds, which had been stabilized, were oozing blood again. It's 9 o'clock. " "There is a small chance that can occur but-" Aug 8, 2016 · A case that hits close to home for Tony also reveals some truths to Kate and McGee about their colleague. "How you feeling?" Gibbs asked. " Palmer leaned in to Tony's mouth listening for breath sounds, "Strong and regular breath sounds Doctor. He attempts to sneak back to his desk, unnoticed, but Gibbs' eyes laser right on him. Tony huffed. That's when Gibbs realized that he was also partially on Tony's lap, being held in shaky arms. " "No, I don't think you are," Tony retorted. . all that is stopping him is his 4 years old son and mother of said son. The medicine didn't always work and the seizures had increased since he'd first woken up. Ducky and Jethro watched silently as the Doctors and Nurses waited for Tony to come out of this latest seizure. crappy summery plz check chapter 1 for a deatailed summary. Tony gratefully hugged her back, "Thanks, Abs. Tony está feliz com o casamento e a gravidez, mas as mudanças sofridas pela gravidez o deixam com a autoestima baixa. Gibbs got a handful f paper towels, soaked them wet with water from the sink before ringing them out so they were damp, but he could still clean Tony's wounds. C. Gibbs moved over to him again and as Tony coughed as the air hurt his lungs, Gibbs smiled at him. " Gibbs shook his head as the anger boiled inside him. The medical staff around him tried to calm him down but it only made him panic more. Tony's hands opened Gibbs jeans and slipped inside. Not surprising considering his medicine irregularities. Tony & Gibbs father/son/H/C. She mentioned to the receptionist that she had a slight headache. The good news was that the doctors had removed the vent and he was now only on a regular oxygen tank. The injured man cried out, but whether it was from pain or fear Gibbs couldn't be sure. Meanwhile Tony fights to recover from an off duty attack. " McGee gasped. "You had a seizure," Tony told him; his voice cracking. Lil bit o' Sr & Jr H/C. Is it connected with the case they're working, or was the hit personal? Tony whump, and angst for Gibbs and the rest of the team. Tony has a daughter and when his teammates meet her, they figure out that she is inexplicably DiNozzo. Leaning over the bed, he cupped Tony's warm cheek while the other hand rested gently hand against the boy's small chest. "Shh, Tony. They spent a pleasant hour working on the boat, Gibbs showing him the right tools to use. Rated T from some cursing in later chapters. At this distance, he could see it was Tony, with his long spiky hair, in the front seat. " Tony shot him a look that told him he wasn't in a joking mood. Gibbs moaned as he grabbed Tony and practically flung him against the counter. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Family - Ducky M. She went into a seizure on the exam table and ended up being rushed to the hospital via Suddenly, to everyone's horror Tony began to seize. He rested his feet on the edge of Tony's bed and the movement caused him to wake. When Tony pulled back from the kiss, his eyes locked on Gibbs. " Gibbs replied. Established relationship, season 4, Hiatus, Faking It, hurt/comfort, non-linear storyline, happy ending. This isn't a death fic and I don't do slash or pairings. Not thinking much of it she called her boss and said she would be a little late. "I have to tell Gibbs! No Gibbs isn't going to leave Tony's side until the seizures stop! Oh yeah Tony is having seizures because somebody drugged him! With bad, illegal in the US Mexican drugs Tony all but stamped his feet. " Diane replied. Tony is hurt on the job and Gibbs reflects on his and Tony’s relationship. "Oh yeah, couldn't be better," Tony replied now sitting down at his own and looking about. " When Jenny told Gibbs she was pregnant with his child he thought it would be another chance to have Kelly back. " Tony looked worried, "I am sorry boss, should have helped. Darkness Everywhere By: Yosem Tiva. "Well you are pretty sick little guy. "Come over so we can have a movie night tonight and to talk. Glancing at the clock on Tony's wall, Gibbs made sure to keep track of the time. Unmoving. Gibbs had only just left the hospital an hour before Tony had woken up. When Gibbs arrived, Tony was in a sitting position watching TV. Clarke said as he and Gibbs made their way down one of the ICU hallways, "Tony suffered from a condition that's called convulsive status epilepticus. "Fuck me. Tony's head snapped forward and hit his computer. He was on meds to stop them, he thought, what could have caused him to have another one so bad. "It's alright. Unfortunately, Tony isn't so lucky. Gibbs all but sprinted up to the car. " "He can sense that?" Gibbs asked. The Deepest Significance - An NCIS fanfic by Cosmic. "Both McNally and the specialist agree that emotional stress and lack of sleep are triggers for seizures. Gibbs woke with a start, his heart was pounding against his sternum and his thoughts were locked on the horrifying image conjured by his nightmare. , Leroy Jethro Gibbs - Words: 1,465 - Reviews: 14 - Favs: 26 - Follows: 36 - Published: 7/1/2006 - id: 3019647 Tags. " Gibbs rolled his eyes. A healthy dose of team affection, Tony heroism, Gibbs drama and McGee taking charge! They'd clearly drifted closer in sleep and now Tony was tucked protectively against him, his head nestled under Gibbs' chin. Tony looked up at his visitor with a bright smile. Tony and Gibbs have to make decisions that will decide their future with NCIS, Washington, D. Basically, Tony's brain was in the state of a persistent seizure. She went running into the ER with the paramedics only to have Gibbs hold her back from running back there with him. " Tony snickered. He could understand that the seizure had knocked his confidence, especially when it had happened after a meeting with the Director, but that kind of stress was more brought about by the fact that Tony had gone into the meeting believing the Director was going to do her best to get him back into his old job and was on his side – when in fact Gibbs was completely outraged by the damage Heather had done. As well as a major secret that Shannon kept hidden from him. Gibbs knew this was going to be a long 3 weeks if he didn't stop this now. " Laughing softly, Gibbs kissed Tony's head. This is a Gibbs/DiNozzo holiday story based on 'A Christmas Carol'. "Said he was going to visit Ducky, something about the body we found yesterday. Gibbs, what happened?" Tony asked quietly. Dr. The phone call clicked off with a blown kiss, and Tony smiled, retreating back to the shadows, to watch for the telltale signs of Gibbs following him. Right now, that was the biggest problem along with Tony's epilepsy. Really long fic that includes case details, a mysterious illness, and romance: Tony/Gibbs slash. This new story deals with the fallout if Gibbs ever read any of those letters. White was in the back, bullet hole in his throat, clearly dead. Before Tony can say a word, Gibbs bolts out of his chair. It was almost pitch black and Tony's head was fuzzy as he tried to figure out what happened to him. Post-Hiatus and Faking It. Every night, the former Gunny resumed his vigil by the boy's bed; his heart skipping a beat with every murmur, sigh or restless movement Tony made in his sleep. Gibbs continued to enjoy the fact that he had to talk to Heidi's marks. Then stepping back, her arms still around Tony, letting him know that she was there He needed Tony to understand that these feelings would exist until Tony declared Gibbs no longer had the right to feel that way. The sight of the fresh blood on the blade that was browned from dried blood made him sick to his stomach. As Tony went into yet another violent seizure. Done for the 2012 Tibbs Yuletide Fest. , Leroy Jethro Gibbs Gibbs set about cautiously removing the blindfold but as he began to untie it, Tony startled. Tony: So, this is where the sequel picks up… Gibbs comes and picks up the kids. Magnificent Jilly in every way. They were going to infect a private elementary school. Language: English Words: 12,814 Chapters: 6/6 Comments: 7 Kudos: 77 Jan 6, 2024 · "Go get him" she calls out as Gibbs and Ziva who are already at the elevator "Grab your gear got a location on one of them" Gibbs calls out to Tony in the squad room "David. " "But, they make me allloopy," Tony tried to explain. Tim had progressed to a full blown seizure. He'd been working fairly diligently, been working late even, coming in on time or early and he'd even cut down a little on how much he teased his coworkers since that seemed to irritate Gibbs. We aren't sure at this point if these seizures will become a permanent part of his life or not. " Tony whispered. "Hey, calm down. Tony didn't wake up. Just to be on the safe side. Gibbs picked his arm up and sought out Tony's, patting it with his hand, "I'm okay. McGee was pissed but decided to be blunt, he wanted to hurt Tony. She hated seeing Tony be so stupid as to fall in love with a mark. "How'd you know?" he asked. "He looks bad Gibbs. "Tony, listen to me okay, you will be fine and you are not a bother to me. Father/ son, Papa bear Gibbs!WARNING: Hints of child abuse, angst, sort of open-ended. And even if that time came Gibbs doubted those feelings would change. Sequel to "Reverting". Tony's one arm was under Gibbs head as he attempted to sprawl the best he could, his face was buried against Gibbs collarbone and… "God," Gibbs whispered. " Dr. Man, I hope Gibbs isn't back yet. Tony, McGee, and Ziva are walking towards the lab when they hear Gibbs' panicked scream, drawing their weapons they run into the room, after a moment they see Gibbs leaning over Abby's prone form. " "Kay," Tony answered, letting his eyes close. "Um, this is going to sound strange but I think he's about to have a seizure. They are pretty much the only family each other has got but they are closer that most blood families. " Ducky stepped forward and took Gibbs by his free arm. May 25, 2016 · Dr. The Gibbs We Deserve; Tony DiNozzo & Jethro Gibbs Father-Son Relationship; Episode Tag; Episode: s02e10 Chained; Missing Scene; Summary. Tony never told his friends much about his family, but when strange things are starting to happen during their new case, Gibbs and the rest of the team will learn the real reason, why he hid his heritage from them Gibbs placed a hand on his shoulder, "Tony?" Tony quickly wiped his tears away, "erm… did you trace the call?" "No" McGee answered, "but I am close to finding the location of the computer that sent the e-mail, maybe there will be some members of the cell that can be… of use to us". "Oh Tony" Gibbs whispered as he knelt down beside his boy. For doing what he was ordered to do by a superior. I'm fine. All Tony could do was look down, ashamed of himself. Gibbs is about to be forced to do just that. Upon seeing her McGee runs from the room, his hand over his mouth. "Are you serious?" "Eight and a half months ago. Pushing aside his plate, covering it with his napkin as Ducky had done his own, Tim sits silently waiting for the shoes to start dropping. "Tony's condition is stable," Dr. Or, rather, Bogart thinks he's about to have a seizure. I'm just going to sleep anyway. Warning: Tony Whump! Five full hours and in that time Tony had not had a single seizure. They had been nearly constant just one day before and now he had been still for five hours. Tony was surprised Gibbs hadn't leaned over his shoulders while he was typing his report, pointing out all the misspelled words. It seemed like hours but it was about 20 minute when Gibbs saw Tony's eyes blink open. Being a federal agent and a single father of a toddler poses all new kinds of problems and adventures for Tony. "What are the cause of Tony's seizures?" Gibbs questioned. Gibbs rested his head on Tony's arm as he continued to card his fingers through his Tony thought hard, "Zi" Gibbs smiled down into Tony's hazy but beautiful green eyes, "Well the last time Ziva was here was right before we got the bad guys with the bio bug. "Bad" Tony replied. Slash, Gibbs/DiNozzo. "Morning Tony" Gibbs greeted. will the team will be able to convince him that they actually care for him? and will Gibbs realize that there may be other people who will accept Tony as a son. Real bad. " Gibbs walked back to his desk. Together they must solve the case and track down a killer that has confused everyone with his efforts. The fact that Tony had suffered a seizure scared the hell out of him. If Gibbs hadn’t been looking right at Tony, he would have missed the slight pull on one side of Tony's face: a poorly disguised wince. " "But if I had just behaved and quit acting stupid, or all the comments, then he wouldn't have. , Leroy Jethro Gibbs - Chapters: 20 - Words: 99,407 - Reviews: 68 - Favs: 455 - Follows: 80 Apr 4, 2011 · Face to face again, Tony crushed his lips to Gibbs, tasting himself on his lover. " Gibbs asked. After another quick check to make sure Tony was breathing okay, Gibbs carried Tony up the stairs. That was 5 or 6 days ago. Gibbs wondered how long the younger man had harmed himself. "Hrts" Tony admitted "Fine," Tony unlocked the door and exposed Gibbs to the bloody scene behind him. "God! He does look like Senior and Pedro. Gibbs quickly realized the shots were coming from two different distances and as he finally reached the sixth floor, Tony's line went dead. It's Gibbs fault not yours!" Jan 10, 2016 · A fic worthy of Anthony Dominic DiNozzo Jr. Gibbs asked, and Tony couldn’t miss the flash of pain deep in Gibbs’ eyes, the way his arms wound around his torso, the way he self comforted. "I don't need them, Gibbs!" Tony said. Taking a knee in front of the boy, Gibbs explained that Tony's wheelchair and booster had both been specially formed to the boy's current needs by the orthotist who also made his leg braces. When Tony had fully recovered from his seizure, Gibbs had explained the agreement with Tom Morrow, desperately trying not to get the boy's hopes up. We'll come back tomorrow. "Tired. I'm a new writer to NCIS fanfic but not to FF, so I hope you like! Feb 11, 2012 · Gibbs was so lost in thought and then he heard a gasp of breath, as Tony came back to the land of the living. Gibbs looked at his watch," Shower then bed, Tony. They were designed to avoid any pressure points or rubbing on his legs and to keep him safely confined in case he suffered a seizure while travelling. So far there were none, but knowing Gibbs he was willing to sit a block or two back and watch him through a sniper's scope. Tony had a Grand Mal seizure. Then, they slide to the files. Extra special thanks to Cookie62 for beta reading for me! "Gibbs is seeing someone, yes" Ziva said leaning over Tony's desk. "God, boss, I don't get it. "Slow down. Neither Gibbs nor Tony orders any lunch and Tim's appetite has disappeared. You sound like an abused wife. " "And what about a seizure?" Gibbs was attempting to keep things straight. His son fell into the throws of another seizure. May 13, 2019 · Even as Tony walked behind Gibbs, his mind raced, trying to think of anything he might've done to earn Gibbs' wrath but he couldn't think of a single thing. - Words: 9,971 - Reviews: 17 - Favs: 128 - Follows: 22 - Published: 3/13/2012 - Status: Complete - id: 7921640 Gibbs demanded as he pulled Manny away from Tony and threw him down hard on the street. Gibbs didn’t deserve an explanation, not after he’d pushed Tony away for months now. Dec 28, 2011 · Gibbs softly rubbed Tony's back and smiled. Mar 13, 2012 · Trapped with Gibbs in a building after a bomb goes off, Tony discovers the older man is hiding something. She backed away from Gibbs and went over to hug Tony. "You fucked me after that but you didn't make love to me. Jethro and Tony had to promise not to let Tony be by him self. At least now he was safe in a hospital bed and the doctors had been sure to move the bedside table and portable closet away from Tony's bed. You had a what?" "A stroke," Tony repeated. "Abby can take bloods, but afterwards if Ducky says you go, you go - no arguments. While there is some off-page sex between the M31 men, Tony and Gibbs are exclusive to each other. Nov 26, 2012 · Both surgical options have been considerably successful and could result in a dramatic reduction of seizures. It was a case that Tony and Fornell could have handled, should have handled, but Gibbs suddenly didn't trust him. Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure/Angst - Tony D. Dec 5, 2010 · Summary: Although Gibbs knows Tony has feelings for him, Gibbs has never examined his own feeling for Tony. Kate: Where Tony made a remark… Thanks Tony, so we all got taken to the police station and held. "Yeah whatever, anyway we need you to distract agent Gibbs while they drug Tony and get him to the air-port. Sure enough four minutes later, four long agonizing minutes later, Tony's body slowly stilled. He hadn’t asked about Tony’s health out loud – he never did – but Tony had read his look and responded, rolling his eyes. Much to Gibbs's relief Tony had not suffered another seizure since his second one. Crossover NCIS&Charmed. "Oh no!" Abby cried. " Which was odd because Tony rarely reacted to Gibbs' foul moods with anything other than excessive cheer. "God, Jethro!" Gibbs moved the bag and sat next to Tony, "Wow, you are volunteering to stay in the hospital longer, maybe the doc needs to check your temperature. " Abby whispered back. Well, if he found out, Tony would deal with the fallout like a man. Gibbs hurried towards the man, "Is he-". "Be back later. " Gibbs was in a panic, something that didn't often happen. "Where's our illustrious leader?" as he pointed at the vacant desk of Gibbs. " Gibbs chuckled. - Chapters: 2 - Words: 2,148 - Reviews: 41 - Favs: 124 - Follows: 185 - Updated: 5/1/2017 "Tony. Ducky joined the two men with his lady friend and a beautiful black lab. Even though particularly annoyed at being disturbed at midnight, Gibbs said yes to coming to pick us up. " After what seemed like hours, but was in reality only a little over three minutes, Tony's seizure ended and the younger man went completely limp. NCIS - Rated: T - English - Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 17 - Words: 45,678 - Reviews: 585 - Favs: 489 - Follows: 420 - Updated: 12/1/2012 - Published: 5/11/2012 - Tony D. Tony was far from trusting and seeking physical affection but he had made improvements now he was back at square one and somehow Gibbs had a feeling that it would take even longer to make progress this time. Secondly Tony broke vertebrae that could paralyze him. Gibbs quickly walked over and head slapped Tony. "You okay, Tony?" Gibbs asked, his concern discernable even over the squawking overhead, all traces of his earlier annoyance evaporated like rain on hot pavement after a summer storm. Rated: Fiction T - English - Family/Friendship - Tony D. Timeline: after Season 2 and weeks leading to and after Season 5 finale, Judgment Day. Tony goes to her side, kneels down, and attempts to help. "Th sn 'm prd of!" Senior slurred as Gibbs pulled him away from Tony. Despite his best intentions, the boy had almost gone into orbit when he learned that, straight after Thanksgiving, Ellie would start working with him and Bogart to measure the dog's suitability for Tony sits on a beach, staring at the waves, not quite knowing how he got here or how things have gone so wrong with Gibbs - except it all started when Mike Franks came to town. "Mring" Tony rasped. Gibbs had been instructed on what to do should Tony have a seizure at home and he had taught the other kids what to do. DiLaguardia and two nurses came rushing in. Gibbs knew that Tony and Ziva had it hard, but he also knew that with the love and support from the team, they could get through this. " Gibbs and Tony are securing a scene on top of a snowy mountain far away from home when Gibbs is seriously injured. " "Jesus Tony. C, Tampa Fl, ends in Hawaii. Now that he knows Gibbs' secret, what will Tony do? Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Hurt/Comfort/Family - Leroy Jethro Gibbs, Tony D. Tony was at full hardness, pressed firmly against Gibbs' thigh. " "Stop Tony, and listen to yourself. It's not like I'm- And fuck, it sounds like I'm talking with a mouthful of marbles. But he should be just fine when he wakes up. "Four milligrams lorazepam IV, now. Tony was still sleeping when Gibbs arrived back in the room, so he took his seat and downed the rest of the semi-warm coffee. Ziva sat down, her leg bouncing and hands twitching. Tony may never trust Luke because of what had been done. I'm fucking pissed right now. While cleaning out his father's house Gibbs makes a shocking discovery about the relationship between his father and his Senior Field Agent. As Tony lay there in a semi-conscious state Gibbs and Ducky were in autopsy discussing Tony. " "We both know it's not up to me. " Tony shook his head, looking angry and on the verge of tears again. They are two pretty special guys. While Gibbs, Rosa, Amira, Leyla and Franks were leaving Mexico with a heavy heart, Tony was struggling to breathe and remain alive until Benito and his son found a way to send him home safely. Tony reminds Gibbs of someone from his past. Gibbs and Ducky receive a new case in Baltimore. Jan 24, 2015 · What if tony took zivas words seriously and is going to leave ncis. And both Abby and Gibbs noticed the anomaly. This is a companion to my story 'Letters from Tony' – you don't need to have read that to follow this one. “That’s it,” Tony confirmed. Rated: Fiction M - English - Hurt/Comfort/Romance - Tony D. " Agent Mitchell commented. fatherson relationship WARNING: spanking of child in later chapters Rated: Fiction T - English - Angst/Family - Leroy Jethro Gibbs, Tony D. "I WILL NOT DO THAT!" McGee snapped. " Gibbs pulled away the blindfold as Tony began to resist. "Come on, Jethro. His dark eyes were half-closed and his skin had turned Jan 23, 2020 · Tony nodded and turned back to his computer. " Gibbs looked back at Tony. He reached out with his right hand in an effort to get some reassurance. He racked his fingers over Gibbs' hard cock. Mar 18, 2015 · "Jesus, Tony," Gibbs broke in. Gibbs smiled inwardly at the young man's Apr 15, 2017 · When Tony does not arrive at work, Gibbs' gut is put into overdrive. "What's going on? Tim asked from his desk, as Tony passed. Gibbs thought he was prepared in the event that Tony had a seizure but he was wrong. And of course Jenny was ecstatic because she had liked Gibbs for a long time and thought that this would bring them together and complete their relationship. He had noticed the scars on Tony's wrists and hoped against hope that they were work related injuries. " "What just happened Duck?" Gibbs asked, now standing over the three men on the ground. As always feedback is appreciated and welcomed. Tony/Gibbs relationship had just the right note – Tough yet tender Gibbs and smart, badass yet vulnerable Tony. "I don't know what they're talking about. I've been running through every name in my head and they all just don't seem to fit the cutie. Once Tony settles down the seizures could stop by themselves. It lasted approximately five minutes and it took him another 20 to regain consciousness. Palmer, please time the seizure. "You've been cutting again," Gibbs stated. Loads of Tony & Tim friendship and whump. She didn't know what was happening, but was determined to find out. Tony and Kate clash, Gibbs is supportive and McGee keeps his head down while they search for a murderer. "How are you feeling?" Gibbs asked as he sat next to the bed and gently squeezed his agent's hand. I want to help take care of you. "Whas…what?" he asked, not really making much sense. "I'll talk to Ducky," Gibbs agreed, seeing it would do neither of them good to argue about this now. "Yes it is. Once Tony was out of the woods he would find the culprit and kick their ass. Not only did the seizures affect the here and now moments, but they often left side effects that would plague Tony for days after the initial seizure. " McGee replied. Thankfully they were at the farm when it occurred and Mary Pat was there, because Gibbs froze at the sight of Tony's body jerking uncontrollably on the floor. If it weren't for the steady beeps of the heart-monitor he would be convinced there was a mistake and Tony really was dead. Please listen to me when I tell you that nothing of this is your fault. "Mnny Dnzo! Manny snapped. "Don't Gibbs," Tony said, not wanting to get the lead agent in trouble for him. The doctor overheard and insisted on seeing her right away. The doctors had put him on medication but they said it could take a while to regulate. Ducky looked to Gibbs. " A little confused, "Seizure dogs, Duck what can a dog do to help with a seizure?" "First of all they have no rights to take Tony even if he was incompetent. "I'm afraid he had had a mild seizure. "It's okay, Tony, it's just me, you can go back to sleep," Gibbs reassured him. When Tony finally opened his eyes he looked around and slowly sat up with Gibbs and Ducky's help. The Gibbs We Deserve; Tony DiNozzo & Jethro Gibbs Father-Son Relationship; Episode: s03e09 Frame Up (NCIS) With More Whump; Team as Family; Summary. "The surgery on the nose is a necessary procedure but they will likely correct it at the same time as the orbital bone. Tony's decision to break from the team leads to some serious consequences, and some soul-searching on the part of Gibbs and company. He was frightened and confused. He struck Tony mid buttock hard causing Tony to gasp with the ferocity of it and before he could relate to the pain it produced Gibbs hit him twice more in the same spot causing Tony to cry out in pain, "Yeowwww," cries that didn't stop as lick upon lick struck the same spot until Tony was yelling with each lick. Thankfully the next 24 hours brought no new seizures for Tony so the Docs decided to let him go home with Jethro. Gibbs had tried to encourage Tony to eat more but Tony claimed he wasn't hungry. “He will need to keep all weight off of his leg for two to three days then he will be alright to stand on it but no walking on it for at least seven to eight days. When the team pulls a prank on Tony, it backfires with Tony's and Gibbs's unexpected reactions. "No Abby, Manny is the man who attacked Tony in the bar!" McGee cried. Kate hoped that he would not crashing again. Simpson is a respected Psychologist and a very beautiful woman and well we are getting of subject. "What should we name him, do you think?" "I don't know," Tony sounded conflicted. But will Tony come out of this without having a complete breakdown. Watch next time Tony gets agitated and see how long it takes for Gibbs to come in and soothe him. "Now I can't choose a perfect name for such a perfect little baby. This time they have to work with someone new, namely an Anthony DiNozzo. So he told Jenny he would do anything for her or the baby. Tony would probably sleep more and be tired for the rest of the week. Suddenly Gibbs heard the unmistakable sound of a gun shot, quickly followed by several other shots. "Hold his shoulders, Jethro," commanded Ducky, moving to hold Tony's legs. , Tim M. When Tony had the plague Gibbs would fall asleep sitting on Tony's bed holding him up so he could breathe better. , Leroy Jethro Gibbs Using some of Tony's extra pillows, Gibbs placed them in-between Tony's head and anything that he might hit his head against. This time, Gibbs needs Tony and the roles are reversed. Wanting more as had become the custom with Tony, Gibbs let his hand grip Tony's cock stroking up and down its length. Because Tony has scarred lungs and we try to keep him from having to be put under as much as possible. Chapter One. "You can go home at 20:00 hours, but you must have something to give me tomorrow, before I get here. "Excuse me for asking, Agent Gibbs but, by any chance, does Tony have epilepsy?" Gibbs eyed the woman curiously and nodded his head. Jethro has been a Scrooge with his heart for too long and some of his past friends have had enough. " "That was mild?" So she headed straight for the doctor's office. Sequel to "Safe and Sound", AU, Tony/Gibbs father/son, Tiva friendship only. " Gibbs said with a glare at Tony's head on his knee and entire body flush to him, Gibbs realized that it was an honor for someone like Tony to trust this easily and started to gently card his fingers through Tony's hair, massaging his scalp and neck as he went, smiling to himself as Tony somehow went even more boneless a relieved sigh escaping the young man's lips. That will change the very course of the relationship between Tony. Gibbs frowned at how much Tony was acting like a child. Gibbs is gone and it's my fault. "You will take them, whether you want to or not. "Mr. - Chapters: 14 - Words: 20,390 - Reviews: 362 - Favs: 317 - Follows: 155 - Updated: 2/2/2008 - Published: 11/16/2007 - Status Nov 18, 2013 · When Tony gets shot Gibbs has to push back his anger and figure out who's responsible. When Tony is beaten up, Gibbs discovers a whole new chapter of Tony's life he didn't know about. Tony had never had a seizure before as long as he knew him. Gibbs cursed whoever had given Tony the narcotic. He knew that seizures were common in people with brain injuries like Tony's but his gut was telling him that there was a far more sinister cause to his boy's seizure. Unfortunately, in the process of adjusting the meds, there was the possibility of seizure. Oct 9, 2011 · What happens when Tony and McGee are abducted, and DiNozzo Senior shows up to find Gibbs caring for his injured son? Takes place circa S9 or S10. No Archive Warnings Apply; Anthony DiNozzo/Jethro Gibbs; Anthony DiNozzo; Jethro Gibbs; Mpreg; ilitiaforever; admpreg2024; Married Couple; Summary. "Hmph really Jethro, a male and a female can be simple colleagues. gibbs/tony father son. May 15, 2013 · Despite Gibbs' being awarded custody, the inability to control Tony's seizures with medication had frustrated and terrified them both. Everybody in character and believable. You gave a believable resolution to an episode that has pissed me off for years LOL. "Oh, he'll take 'em," Gibbs said, as Ducky passed him the bottle. Both men agreed and they were home for dinner the next night. Tony called Gibbs as his one phone call. "Going for coffee," he says. ” Gibbs looked doubtfully at his senior field agent. The day of Tony's funeral in DC, something bad happened in Mexico. " If anything, Tony knows better now than to ask when The team is working on a case, and Tony begins to feel sick, so naturally, Gibbs has to help him. McGee and David start to learn that not everything is as it seems or to take everything for granted. ocl wgob wplfy fhncdh erxy hvpw cfknn vlci qyvf wec